Netcorp EWD Record Keeper Guide

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Netcorp EWD Record Keeper Guide

Last updated 24/2/2025

Initial Guidelines

If you’re a transport operator managing multiple driver’s Fatigue Records you will need to assign a “Record Keeper” in your Operator Account. Only an Operator Account can create a Record Keeper account in the Netcorp EWD system.

A record keeper is responsible for the:

  • Invitation of Driver’s records to be able to be viewed in the system

  • Management of the driver’s EWD records with the platform

  • Management of the driver’s submitted EWD records within the platform

  • Alerts and reporting relating to the driver’s EWD performance such as breaches and EWD record submissions

  • Ensuring that drivers are using approved devices with the Netcorp EWD platform.

Currently Approved Devices


  • Samsung Galaxy Active Tab 2
  • Samsung Galaxy Active Tab 3
  • Samsung Galaxy Active Tab 5
  • Google Pixel 5
  • Netcorp – Topicon – MDT865 8”
  • Netcorp – Topicon – MDT1065 10”
  • Samsung Galaxy S24
  • Samsung Galaxy S25



  • iPad (10th generation)
  • iPad Pro 13inch (M4)
  • iPhone 16 Pro / Max
  • iPhone SE (3rd generation)

Netcorp is currently awaiting device agnostic approval so you will be able to use our Netcorp EWD app on any compatible device that meets the minimum requirements 


Registration / Login

An operator will need to login with their credentials in the Netcorp EWD platform and create a “Record Keeper” account. If you have not already created an “Operator” account you will need to do this first and follow the instructions here.

Click Here for the Netcorp EWD Platfform:

Once you have created a record keeper’s account you can login using the record keeper’s credentials and create, invite and manage driver’s within your transport operations. 

Inviting a Driver

In order for drivers to use the EWD app they must have an account. This can be done either by the Driver via the app or by the Record Keeper from the Drivers page on the Netcorp EWD website.

Click Create Driver to create a drivers account, you will need to request the drivers personal information prior to creating their account.

If the Driver has already created their account via the app you can invite them, this will create an association between the Driver and the Operator the Record Keeper account was created under. Drivers will be able to accept the invitation via the Netcorp EWD app.

Managing Drivers

Driver’s accounts can be edited by clicking the pen icon, viewed by clicking the eye icon or deleted by clicking the trash can icon.

Note: Deleting a driver account will only break the association between the driver and the record keeper including the operator. The driver will still be able to login and use the EWD but the Record Keeper will no longer be able to view the driver’s shift data.

Understanding UDI’s

UDI is a Unique Driver Identification used across all NHVR approved EWD Providers. It is used to ensure drivers who might work for different transport operators using various EWD systems can communicate the driver’s work history across their platforms.

When a driver logs into the Netcorp EWD a request is made to other approved EWD provider’ss systems to retrieve all work & rest entries for the past 28 days. 

This is to ensure that the Netcorp EWD is able to inform the driver of any work or rest due in order to maintain a compliant electronic work diary. The information used to check for this information includes their License state of issue, License Number and Date of Birth.

Important Note: If any of these details have changed in the past 28 days you must fill out the Previous UDI field under the drivers License Information.

UDI Format:

The UDI should use the following format:


SOI is the driver’s licence state or territory of issue and may be ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA or OTH

XXXXX is the last 5 characters in the driver’s licence number excluding spaces and special characters.

YYYYMMDD is the drivers’ date of birth in year/month/day format.

Driver Dashboard

The Dashboard screen allows the record keeper to view periods of 24 hours or less from the drivers current or last shift. If the shift is current the heading 24H Period will be in green.

If you click on the “Chart” icon from the Actions column, it will display the driver’s shift in graphical view as it would appear in the EWD app. As long as data exists you can click on the buttons Previous Day and Next Day to display shift data from other dates. Below the graph will be Two-up driver details if applicable, Work and Rest changes in tabular view and Officer annotations.


Generating a Compliance Report

Record Keepers can email a PDF compliance report for a driver by clicking the envelope icon in the “Drivers” list view.

In the Report Transfer window that appears enter the Start Time, this is the Date at which the report will start as the report is displayed in reverse chronological order. Period is the number of says the report covers inclusive of the start date.

Working with Shifts

Only an assigned “Record Keeper” can perform operations related to a driver’s shift. This is to ensure that EWD records are maintained in accordance to regulatory requirements and in cases where a driver may have made an error in their submission, or has been unable to update their work diary record, they can engage their assigned Record Keeper to make any appropriate adjustment on their behalf.

This can be done by using the “Edit” Icon 

NOTE: Any records that are changed on behalf of a driver are time stamped and recorded in accordance with NHVR EWD requirements and can be retrieved for auditing purposes by a compliance officer if or when required. Falsification or manipulation of driver records can be easily tracked using electronic methods.    

Editing Shifts & Records

The Shifts page displays all driver shifts active and inactive. An active shift is one that the driver is currently logged into via the EWD app. Inactive shifts are ones already submitted by the driver.

A record keeper can edit a shift by clicking on the pen icon, view the shift in more detail by clicking the eye icon or delete by clicking on the rubbish bin icon.

Create/Edit Historical Data

Click Create from the Shifts screen to create a record of past work/rest entries. This feature is to allow the inclusion of any work/rest that has occurred in the past 28 days but does not exist on any EWD such as previous shifts from a written work diary.

The addition of historical data should be entered before the driver logs in to the EWD app as there shifts will be taken into consideration when calculating potential non compliance. Work and Rest entries created by a Record Keeper cannot be edited once created.

Once the shift has been created click the pen icon to move the shift to Inactive status. Click on the eye icon to show the shift, from here you can add additional work & rest entries for the shift.

Work & Rest entries created by a Record Keeper will be labelled with the Origin as “Historic”.
Entries created by a driver from the Netcorp EWD will be labelled as “EWD” in origin and entries with the origin “External” were obtained from another EWD providers system. External work & rest entries cannot be edited and are read only.

NOTE: A Record Keeper may edit “EWD” entries only once and when they have been edited the origin will be updated to “Historic” along with an updated entry timestamp to indicate the time and date of the last change.


The Annotations page displays all annotations made by an officer, the data is read only. It includes all information that is available via the EWD app.

Report Transfer

Report Transfer page displays all report transfers created from the Netcorp EWD app or website, for all driver accounts associated with the Operators account. Clicking on the + icon will display the subject and body of the email. The Transaction ID is the MD5 Checksum for the zip file the report is sent in.

Faults or Malfunctions

Faults and malfunctions should be reported to Netcorp via the portal. Click on “Report Issues” on the left side navigation bar and enter all of the details of the issue you have experienced. One of our support staff will be in touch with you. Alternatively you can email

Note: This is only to report a bug or issue with the system. It is not a helpdesk support method. For any helpdesk support requirements, please email

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